Bruker TimsTOF SCP mass spectrometer
The TIMs TOF SCP mass spectrometer offers ultra-high sensitivity combined with high acquisition speed. Trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) accumulates and concentrates ions of a given mass and mobility, allowing you to resolve sample complexity through an additional dimension of separation (CCS) and address single cell proteome analysis.
Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
The Orbitrap analyzer offers high resolution (in the order of 280,000 FWHM). It allows the analysis of complex protein mixtures and a higher accuracy in determining the mass of the analyzed fragments. It has an HCD fragmentation device, with a mass range of 50-6000 m/z.
Bruker nanoElute 2 Liquid Chromatograph
Bruker's nanoElute 2 high-performance nanoflow chromatography system provides robust and reproducible sample separation for complex sample analysis.
nano-LC easy-nLC 1000 Thermo Scientific
The chromatography system allows working at flow rates of nanoliters/min in multidimensional chromatography, advisable for the automated analysis of complex proteomes.
CellenONE Cellenion Cell Separator
CellenONE enables highly accurate sorting and dispensing of single cells based on cell morphology and/or fluorescence. Using gentle acoustic waves for droplet generation preserves cell viability and maintains protein expression for sequencing applications.
Liquid chromatograph HPLC-DAD Agilent 1260 Infinity II
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system with quaternary pump, UV-Vis Diode-Array detector and fraction collector.
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