Cód. SSPA: IBiS-C-07
The Cellular Therapy and new therapeutic targets in oncohematology research group carries out translational research in close collaboration with the Hematology Service of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital (HUVR), one of the largest in Spain, with a portfolio of services complete that includes transplantation and cell therapy, phase I clinical trials, molecular biology laboratories including NGS and cytometry, being a reference center for congenital coagulopathies, CAR-T therapy and child transplantation.
Research Lines
Research group main areas of interest are the following:
1. Hematopoietic transplant: manipulation of the post-transplant immune response.
2. Cell therapy, including CAR-T therapy.
3. Personalized medicine: using cytometry, cytogenetics and molecular biology techniques.
4. Identification and development of new drugs directed against specific therapeutic targets
Many of these lines are developed in collaboration with other groups from IBIS and from the University of Seville and the CISC and are developed through ex vivo studies and in animal models. Our goal is to be able to bring these approaches to a clinical environment: "From the patient to the bench and back."
Academic CAR-Ts have been developed by the research team to treat diseases such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia and multiple myeloma. We have GMP facilities on campus for the production of CAR-T cells. Viral production for the clinical application of CAR-T is also carried out at IBiS by members of our group.
The IBiS group is part of consortia of advanced therapies such as TREGeneration, a European group for the treatment of graft-versus-host disease with regulatory T lymphocytes, or RANTECAR, an Andalusian CAR-T therapy group, or RICORS TERAV, also focused on cell therapy, a Nacional level.
Some of the compounds developed and patented by our group include cannabinoid derivatives that combine efficacy and a low toxicity profile.
The research group is made up of a Principal Investigator (PI), 6 postdoctoral researchers, 24 hematologists and predoctoral researchers, and 7 technical assistants.
This large group allows all members of the research team to develop adequately in all steps of their research career, and facilitates interaction between clinical and basic researchers.
In the last 5 years, 8 doctoral theses and 10 end-of-degree projects have been published.